Image result for The Northern Securities Case + map


The Interstate Commerce Act 








Prompt: Evaluate the effective of the Progressive Era reformers and Federal government in bringing about reforms at the national level. In your response, be sure to analyze the success and limitations of those efforts in the period 1880 to 1920.


The Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

Interstate Commerce Commission (1887)

Northern Securities Company (1902)

Elkins Act (1903)

Hepburn Act (1906)











Image result for good trusts + bad trusts


TR believed good trusts were those that although controlled large industries, were good services and provided reasonable rates/prices. Bad trusts were those that drove up rates and were corrupted, reducing competition as well. Roosevelt believed it to be his job to take care of trusts for the best interest of the people, and many cheered him on



In 1902, President Roosevelt challenged the Northern Securities Companya railroad trust company that sought to achieve a monopoly of the railroads in the Northwest.  The Supreme Court upheld the President and the trust was forced to be dissolved 





1903 Elkins Act, heavy fines on railroads that gave rebates.



1906  Hepburn Act of 1906, restricting free passes and expanded the Interstate Commerce Commission to  include express companies, sleeping-car companies, and pipelines.