
The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic

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Lone Star Rising: The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic [1836 to 1845]

A group of land hungry American emigrants joined the forces of independence, republicanism,
and economics for
the liberation of an upstart Texas republic.




Stephen F Austin "Father of Texas" 


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1821  Mexico wins independence from Spain (Mexico begins recruiting settlers to farm the northern frontier province)


From 1821 and up until 1835, much of Texas was scarcely populated and some rather radical but progressive laws enacted by Mexico encouraged immigration to the region.



The “Colonization Law” of August 18, 1824 made it possible for all heads of a household to claim a land patent, making everyone who did not already own land able to claim one square league of land (about three miles) that was not already occupied.


By 1825 the population of Texas had risen from 3000 to roughly 12,000 inhabitants, with a large majority being Anglo-American immigrants from the American states.


At this time, the Tejano population (“Native Mexicans) had remained constant compared to the other groups for a long time, and made up to roughly 25% of the population of Texas.


In other words, from 1821 to 1825, Anglo-American immigration and birthrate had been at such high rates that the native Tejano population became a minority.



1829 Mexico outlaws slavery and require all immigrants to convert to Catholicism.


1830 White farmers (and black slaves outnumber Mexicans in Texas (3 to 1)









1834  General Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico



1836 Sam Houston and American settlers revolt and declare Texas an independent Republic .



The Texas Declaration of Independence was signed by members of the Convention of 1836. Mexico still considered Texas as a province in revolt and refused to recognize Texas's independence. Mexico threatened war if the America protected Texas.


Sam Houston immediately asked the U.S. government for recognition and annexation, but President Andrew Jackson feared the revival of the slavery issue, as the new state would come in on the slaveholding side of the political balance.  He also feared war with Mexico and so did nothing. 


When Jackson’s successor, President Martin Van Buren also did nothing, Texas sought foreign recognition and support, which European nations eagerly provided, hoping to create a counterbalance to rising American power and influence in the Southwest.  France and Britain quickly concluded trade agreements with the Texans.






1836  Battle of the Alamo (American loss) and San Jacinto (American victory).




1836-1845 Annexation denied  - WHY? 








Our Country's Fiery Ordeal: James Garfield and Hillsdale College


“When civilization has linked the seas and filled up the wilderness between, there will have been added to our own present union 40 states as large as Ohio or 200 as large as Massachusetts…Upon what system of labor shall these new states be erected? ”


Ohio Representative James Garfield


SOURCE: 1861: The Civil War Awakening By Adam Goodheart page 97



1845  Texas becomes the 28th state in the Union via a joint resolution.




A Country of Vast Designs - The Presidency of James K. Polk ;








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