
French and Indian War to the End of Salutary Neglect

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 7 years, 3 months ago


Task #1  Please provided specific factual information in response to the prompt below 


REQUIRED READING:  Chapter #6: Duel for North America (pages #106-121)

CLASS NOTES:  The Great War for Empire - “The Seven Years War/French and Indian War” 

PODCAST: http://nedryun.com/days-of-revolution-podcasts-3/



Prompt: The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regard to land acquisition, politics, and economics in the period between 1763 and 1775.


Land acquisition












Develop a thesis statement for the following prompt and submit online  (Google Form Thesis submission) 


: The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regard to TWO of the following in the period between 1763 and 1775. Land acquisition, politics, economics




SUPPORT LINK  Crafting a Thesis Statement

Thesis/Claim: Student responds to the prompt with a historically defensible thesis/claim that establishes a line of reasoning.  To earn a THESIS POINT on the AP Rubric, your thesis must make a claim that responds to the prompt rather than restating or rephrasing the prompt. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either in the introduction or the conclusion. 



Task #2 Please read the following article in generate notes in the space provided 


REQUIRED READINGGreat Britain’s Evolving Tax Policies From Salutary Neglect to fiscal aggression 

CLASS NOTES:  The Great War for Empire ; Scratch of a Pen 1763 and the Transformation of North America




Task #3  Please provided specific factual information in response to the prompt below 


REQUIRED READING:  Chapter #7: The Road to Revolution (pages #122-133)

CLASS NOTES:  Scratch of a Pen 1763 and the Transformation of North America and  The Logic of Resistance, 1770 to 1776 




Prompt:  Analyze the ways in which the following British imperial policies intensified colonials’ resistance to British rule between 1763 and 1776


How did the Proclamation of 1763 intensify colonial resistance?


VIDEO: Remembering the Royal Proclamation  (2:47)

Podcast: Episode 8: The Proclamation Act of 1763.




How did the Sugar Act intensify colonial resistance?

Podcast: Episode 9: The Sugar Act of 1764.



How did the Stamp Act intensify colonial resistance?

Podcast: Episode 13: The Stamp Act and the Dawn of Popular Resistance.


How did the Stamp Act Congress intensify colonial resistance?

Podcast: Episode 18: The Stamp Act Congress.


How did the Boston Massacre intensify colonial resistance?


IMAGE ANALYSIS: Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre, 1770


Podcast: http://www.missedinhistory.com/podcasts/the-boston-massacre.htm



How did the Boston Tea Party intensify colonial resistance?

Podcast: http://americanmilitaryhistorypodcast.com/boston-massacre-fallout-gaspee-affair-and-the-boston-tea-party/









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