Class #120
Days of Fire: The Presidency of George W Bush ;The Historic election of Barack Obama
HW: You know what the homework is...get after it #getafterit
Class #119
The Clinton Impeachment; The Perfect Tie: The Thirty-Six-Day Battle to Decide the 2000 Election
HW: Final Projects and Legacy Quizzes
Class #118
The Comeback Kid: William Jefferson Clinton
HW: Finish Legacy
Class #117
The Crusade: Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991 ; The Election of 1992 ; The Comeback Kid: William Jefferson Clinton
HW: Legacy Chapter #8 pages 62-68
Class #116
Winds of Change The Final Chapter of the Cold War; Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George H.W. Bush
HW: Dialectical Journals and DBQ Analysis due 6/1/2018; Legacy Chapters #6 and #7 pages 44-61
Class #115
Regents Field Test; Cold War Iconography - The Americans HW: Legacy Chapters #6 and #7 pages 44-61 |
Class #114
Election of 1984; Ronald Reagan’s War against the Evil Empire
HW: Legacy Chapters #4 and #5 33 to 43
Class #113
Bullets and Budgets ;Dark Alliance - The CIA and The Contras HW: Legacy Chapters #2-#3 pages 8-31 |
Class #112
Transition into the Age of Reagan ; Ronald Reagan and Rise of the Conservative Movement
HW: Final Projects and Final Countdown; Legacy Chapter #1 The Starrs pages 4-7
Class #111
LAB DAY: Final Project |
Class #110
LAB Day: Course Evaluations and Final Project Intro |
Class #109
Reel History - Day #2 Hidden Figures |
Class #108
Reel History - Day #1 Hidden Figures |
Class #107
Making America Great Again (Version 1.0)
HW: Study for AP National Exam
Class #106
Extraordinary Circumstances: The Ford Presidency [1974-1976]; Goodnight Saigon: American Defeat Vietnam; Election of 1976
HW: Document Analysis: The Malaise of the Seventies
Class #105
Nixon 1972: The Calm before the Storm; Watergate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon
HW: Dialectical Journal: The Consequences of the Defeat in Vietnam
Class #104
Peace with Honor - Richard Nixon and Vietnamization [1969-1973]
HW: Time Period #8 Module A Quiz;Prepare for Module A SAQ, Monday, May 7th
Class #103
The Escalation of the Vietnam War - Tonkin, Tet and a T.V. Set; 1968 The Year in Review
HW: Document Analysis Conformity and Turbulence, 1950-1970
Class #102
The Redemptive March Towards Freedom and Equality (1963 -1965); The Election of 1964 ; The Bridge to the Ballot
HW: Document Analysis Conformity and Turbulence, 1950-1970
Class #101
JFK and The New Frontier; At Canaan's Edge A Nation to Confronts Sanctioned Segregation (1960-1963)
HW: View The Century America's Time "Poisoned Dreams" (15 minutes) and generate notes
Module 8B 1960 to 1968 |
JFK, The Civil Rights Movement and the Election of 1968 |
Class #100
The Cold War Heats Up - Eisenhower and the Global Cold War; Dien Bien Phu, Dominoes and the Origins of the Vietnam War HW: Dialectal Journal: The Civil Rights Movement: Major Events and Legacies [Part II paragraphs 9-21] |
Class #99
Crabgrass Frontier (Surburbanization); Far From Heaven; The Road to Little Rock
HW: Dialectal Journal: The Civil Rights Movement: Major Events and Legacies [Part I paragraphs 1-8]
Class #98
Consensus, Conformity and Contradiction in the decade of Prosperity [1950-1959]
HW: An Emotional Journey Down 'Revolutionary Road' [Optional]
Class #97
Origins of the Cold War 1945 to 1952; The Hunting for Subversives Cold War Comes Home
Module 8A 1945 to 1969 |
Cold War Origins through the start of the Vietnam War |
Class #96
Time Period #7 Document Analysis (30 minuted assessment); Origins of the Cold War 1945 to 1952 HW: Podcasts: George Kennan and the Marshall Plan |
Class #95
Endgame 1945: The Final Chapter of World War II
HW: Podcasts: George Kennan and the Marshall Plan [Optional]
Class #94
Justice at War: Executive Order #9066; Endgame 1945: The Final Chapter of World War II
HW: Time Period #7 Module D Quiz (Online 30 questions) Prepare for Module D SAQ Tuesday April 17th
Class #93
Homefront Mobilization, 1941-1945 HW: Dialectical Journal "Soldiers without Guns" ;OmitPodcast: Girls of Atomic City [Optional] |
Class #92
American Foreign Policy Between the Wars; ;And War Came, Pearl Harbor 1941
HW: Complete notes on page #4 "Storm Cellar Neutrality" ; Reading Ballston Spa on December 7th 1941
Class #91
New Deal Legacy; American Foreign Policy Between the Wars; 1931 to 1941
HW: Time Period #7 Module C Quiz (Online 35 questions);Prepare for Module C SAQ Wednesday April 11th
Module 7D 1939 - 1945 |
American Foreign Policy 1929 - 1941 to America Mobilization for World War II |
Class #90
FDR and the New Deal ;FDR vs The Constitution; Voices of Protest;
Class #89
Quarterly Exam #3 1877 to 1932
HW: Document Analysis- FDR and The Great Depression
Class #88
Bold Experimentation – FDR and the First 100 Days HW: Review Book omits for Test Wednesday 3/28/2018 |
Class #87
American Exodus: The Dust Bowl Migration; Electing FDR: The New Deal Campaign of 1932 HW: Review Book omits for Test Wednesday 3/28/2018 |
Class #86
Conservative Presidents and Economic Optimism; Economic Boom and Bust of the 1920s
HW: Dialectical Journal - The Boom and Bust of Twenties
Class #85
Summer for the Gods - The Scopes Trial; Conservative Presidents and Economic Optimism HW: Omit Podcast: Remembering the Scopes Monkey Trial (Optional) |
Class #84
Warmth of Other Suns and Intolerance and Nativism HW: Migration - The Warmth of Other Suns; Reading the Economics of the 1920's |
Class #83
Anything Goes: America in the Roaring Twenties
HW: Document Analysis - The Treaty of Versailles; Time Period #7 Module B Quiz (30 Questions Online)
Module 7C 1919-1939 |
The Roaring Twenties through the Great Depression |
Class #82
The Post War Dream and Betrayal of Grand Expectations HW: Document Analysis- The Treaty of Versailles; Module B SAQ Friday 3/16
Class #81
A Call to Arms:Mobilizing America for World War I; Justice at War Homefront Civil Liberties HW: Dialectical Journal: World War I Homefront [paragraphs 13-22] |
Class #80 3/12/2018 |
New Directions in Foreign Policy 1900 to 1917;Making the World Safe for Democracy
HW: Dialectal Journal: World War I Homefront [paragraphs 1-12]
Module 7B 1916-1919 |
Causes and Consequences of World War I |
Class #79 3/9/2018 |
A Fierce Discontent- Limitations of Progressive Reform;Making the World Safe for Democracy HW: Document analysis - The Progressive Movement; Time Period #7 Module A Quiz (40 Questions Online) Closes 3/11 11:59 |
Class #78
President Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 HW: Read over notes and view clips on Limits on Progressivism; Module A SAQ Friday 3/9 |
Class #77
President William Howard Taft ; Transformation of American Democracy - Election of 1912
HW: Dialectical Journal: The Spectacles of 1912
Class #76
Origins of the Progressive Movement ; Progressives in Government ; Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal
HW: Listen to Theodore Roosevelt's' Bully Pulpit (7:44)
Class #75
Spanish American War as a Turning Point
HW: Generate notes on "Origins of the Progressive Movement" pages 11-12
Class #74 2/27/2018
Spanish American War (1898); HW: Dialectical Journal: America's First Iraq |
Module 7A 1896-1916 |
Roots of Imperialism, Progressive Reform and World War I |
Class #73
Populism Rewind and The Election of 1896 ; Imperialistic Impulses HW: Time Period #6 Module C Quiz (20 Questions Online - locks at 11:59 pm); Module C SAQ Tuesday 2/27
Class #72
Time Period #6 In Class DBQ [1hour ]
Class #71
Guided Viewing: America in the Gilded Age (start at 25 minutes) HW: Prepare for Time Period #6 DBQ
Class #70
Raise Less Corn and More Hell - The Rise of Populism [1892 to 1900]; The Election of 1896 HW: Read Chapter #23 Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age pages 504-529 |
Class #69
From Bloody Shirt to Full Dinner Pail: Politics in the Gilded Age [1876 to 1896] HW: Read Chapter #23 Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age pages 504-529 |
Module 6C 1863-1890
Gilded Age Politics and the Rise of Populism |
Class #68
Immigration and Cultural Conflict in Gilded Age America [1870 to 1900]
HW: Time Period #6 Module B Quiz (Online) Review Book Omits: Migration( 26 to 27); WXT (125-28)
Class #67
Huddled Masses Yearning To Breathe Free [1880 to 1920] HW: Dialectal Journal: The New Colossus: Emma Lazarus Module B SAQ Monday 2/12 |
Class #66 2/3/2018 |
The Power of Ideas: Social Thought in the Gilded Age; Progress and Poverty in Urban America
HW: Read Chapter #24 Industry Comes of Age pages 550 to 556; Omit Podcast: Haymarket Riot Remembered (7:19)
Class #65
Guided Viewing: 10 Days That Changed America Homestead Strike (44:06)
HW: Thesis statement and document analysis - Robber Baron DBQ |
Class #65
The Impact of Industrialization on American Society; The State of the Union - Labor Organizes
HW: Dialectical Journal: Blessed Barons
Class #64
Ingredients of Industrialization; American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism [1865 to 1900] HW: Read Chapter #24 Industry Comes of Age pages 530-543 |
Module 6B
1863-1890 |
Economics of Industrialization, Labor Organization and Labor Conflicts |
Class #63 1/26/2018 |
Mid Term Analysis ; Ingredients of Industrialization
HW: Time Period #6 Module A Quiz (Online); Thesis Doc shared by Monday, January 29th Module A SAQ Tuesday 1/30
Class #62
Guided Viewing: Native Americans as Prisoners of War (15:27) Review Book omits for Time Period #5 HW: Prepare for Mid Term Exam; REGENTS WEEK: Complete SAQ and Google Doc on Thesis statements by Friday January 26th |
Class #61
The Final Promise and Bloody Footprints - Migration and Settlement HW: Mid Term Review (consider review book omits for Time Period #5) |
Class #60
Rival Rails: The Race to Build the Transcontinental Railroad; The Conquest of the West HW: Time Period #5 Module C Quiz (Online); Mid Term Review |
Module 6A
Election of 1876 to the Battle of Wounded Knee |
Class #59 1/12/2018 |
Let Us Have Peace - The Grant Administration 1868-1876; The Fraud of the Century HW: Time Period #5 Module C Quiz (Online); Omit Podcast: Fraud of the Century (9:22); Mid Term Review |
Class #58
Impeached: The Trial Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln's Legacy; The Election of 1868 HW: Read Chapter #22 The Ordeal of Reconstruction |
Class #57
On the Ground in 1865 - Realities of Reconstruction ; The Impending Constitutional Crisis
HW: Look over Time Period review sheet and prepare for Module C SAQ Thursday 1/11
Class #56 1/8/2018 |
With Malice Toward None? ; On the Ground in 1865 - Realities of Reconstruction HW: Read Chapter #22 ; Omit Podcast: Andrew Johnson - One of the Worst Presidents (30:19) |
Class #55 1/4/2018 |
The Election of 1864, Surrender and Assassination HW: Reel History Film Review (Optional - Due January 25th at 11:59)
Class #54 1/3/2018 |
Reelecting Lincoln: The Battle for the 1864 Presidency HW: Omit Podcasts (Optional): Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address (9:45); John Wilkes Booth (4:46)
Module 5C 1863 to 1877 |
End of the Civil War to the Election of 1876 |
Class #53
Tried by War - Lincoln as Commander in Chief [1861-865] HW: Time Period #5 Module B Quiz (Online)
Class #52
The Mighty Scourge - Gettysburg, Vicksburg and Sherman's March
HW: Omit Video - Battles of the Civil War (Crash Course) 7:24
Class #51 12/19/2017 |
The Mighty Scourge; Act of Justice - The Emancipation Proclamation
HW: Module B Task #4 Reading notes on The Dead of Antietam; Module B SAQ Thursday 12/21
Class #50
And War Came - 1861 ; This Mighty Scourge - America's Civil War 1861-1865 HW: Module B Task #3 Reading notes on Elmer Ellsworth; Omit Podcast - Emancipating Lincoln (8:59)
Class #49
An Incompatibility of Temper; Abraham Lincoln Ascendant: The Election of 1860 HW: Module B Tasks #1 and #2 Readings notes on Copper Union and Ballston Journal |
Module 5B 1859 to 1865 |
The Election of 1860 and the American Civil War |
Class #48 12/12/2017 |
Patriotic Treason: John Brown and the Soul of America
HW: Module A Task #7 DBQ Extended analysis on slavery and expansion; Time Period #5 Module A Quiz (Online)
Class #47 12/11/2017 |
A Hell of a Storm 1848 to 1854; A House Divided 1854-1859HW: Module A Tasks #5 and #6 Turning Points |
Class #46
A Hell of a Storm 1848 to 1854 HW: Dialectic Journal: Clay's Compromise and Uncle Tom's Cabin |
Class #45 12/6/2017 |
The Legacy of 1848 - What did the Mexican War Unleash? ; A Hell of a Storm 1848 to 1854 HW: Module A Task #4 Mexican War as a Turning Point; Module A SAQ Friday 12/8 |
Class #44 12/5/2017 |
A Country of Vast Designs - The Presidency of James K. Polk ; To The Halls of Montezuma HW: Module A Task #3 Guided Reading - The Mexican War |
Class #43 12/4/2017 |
Manifest Destiny - An Expression of Our National Spirit; The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic HW: Module A Task #2 Western Expansion Tensions |
Module 5A 1848 to 1859 |
Manifest Destiny, Section Tensions and the Brink of Civil War |
Class #42
TEST - Time Period #4 (1800-1848) 55 Stimulus Based Multiple Choice
HW: Module A Task #1 Western Expansion Tensions
Class #41
Antebellum Non Conformists HW: Take Home Test #4 (1800-1848) |
Class #40
Antebellum Non Conformists [Transcendentalists and Mormons] HW: Module C Task #7 Podcast Notes on Emerson (4:49) and Joseph Smith (5:52) |
Class #39
Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery HW: Module C Tasks #5 and #6 The Abolitionists, Document Analysis and Thesis on Slavery [Due 11/27 at 11:59 pm] |
Class #38 11/20/2017 |
The Second Great Awakening HW: Module C Tasks # 3 and 4 Dialectic Journal on Antebellum Reform; Module C SAQ Quiz Tuesday 11/21 |
Class #37
Slavery in Antebellum America: All Night Forever; The Invisible War against Slavery
HW: Module C Tasks #1 SAQ The Growth of Slavery and #2 In Defense of Slavery
Module 4C 1824-1848 |
Reactions to Market Revolution - Antebellum Reform movements |
Class #36
South and the Growth of King Cotton HW: Module B Tasks #3-5 Immigration and the Market Revolution |
Class #35 11/14/2017
Immigration and Cultural Conflict HW: Read Chapter #14 Forging the National Economy pages 290-297 (Immigration and Reactions) |
Class #34
The North and the Market Revolution HW: Read Chapter #14 Forging the National Economy pages 287-303 (Market Revolution) |
Class #33
Liberty and Power in the Age of Jackson HW: Module B Task #2 Dialectic Journal - The Legacy of Andrew Jackson; SAQ Quiz Monday 11/13/2017 on Jackson |
Class #32 11/7/2017
John Quincy Adams and the Corrupt Bargain ; Vindicating Jackson - The Election of 1828 HW: Module B Task #1 Dialectic Journal The Election of 1824; Google Form Thesis Paragraph due by Wednesday Nov 8th at 11:59 |
Module 4B 1824-1848 |
The Election of 1824 through the Market Revolution (North, South, West) |
Class #31 11/6/2017 |
James Monroe and the Era of Good Feelings
HW: Tasks #8 The Era of Good Feelings; Google Form Thesis Paragraph due by Wednesday Nov 8th at 11:59
Class #30 11/2/2017 |
Nascent Nationalism and Post War Expansion ; John Marshall and National Supremacy [1819-1824]HW: Tasks #4-7 The War of 1812
Class #29 11/1/2017
The Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic; What So Proudly We Hailed 1812 HW: Tasks #1 - #3 The Jefferson Presidency |
Class #28 10/31/2017 |
Thomas Jeffersons First Term ; John Marshall and Judicial Activism HW: Read Chapter #11 pages 211-225 |
Module 4A 1800-1825 |
The Revolution of 1800 to the Era of Good Feelings
Class #27 10/27/2017 |
TEST - Time Period #3 (1754-1800) 55 Stimulus Based Multiple Choice (10 omits) |
Class #26 10/26/2017
Time Period #3 Review : 1754-1800
HW: Task #10 Turning Points; Take Home Test #3 1754-1800
Class #25 10/25/2017 |
The Presidency of John Adams and The Tumultuous Election of 1800 ; HW: Task #9 The Adams Presidency |
Class #24 10/23/2017 |
Laying the Cornerstone of Foreign Policy 1793-1796 and The Presidency of John Adams HW: Tasks #7 and #8 Washington Presidency (Foreign Policy) |
Class #23 10/19/2017 |
Ratification of Constitution ; Launching the New Ship of State HW: Tasks #5 and #6 The Washington Presidency (Domestic Policy) |
Class #22
The Horrid Specter of Anarchy – Shays’s Rebellion ; Plain, Honest Men - Philadelphia 1787 HW: Tasks #3 and Tasks #4 Confederation to Constitution ; |
Class #21
Aftermath of the Revolution - The Critical Period, 1783 -1789; America's First Constitution
HW: Tasks #1 and #2 Aftermath of the Revolution
Module 3B 1754-1783 |
The Critical Period to the Election of 1800 |
Class #20
The World Turned Upside Down
HW: Impact of the American Revolution
Class #19 10/12/2017 |
Tyranny, Like Hell, Is Not Easily Conquered; Fighting the Revolution
HW: Chapter #8: American Secedes from the Empire
Class #18 10/10/2017 |
We Hold These Truths to Be Self Evident
HW: John Dickinson (1767) vs Thomas Paine (1776)
Class #17
Rejection of Empire 1766-1770 and The Logic of Resistance, 1770 to 1776
HW: Tasks #1-#3 French and Indian War to the End of Salutary Neglect; (Google Form Thesis submission)
Class #16 10/4/2017
The Great War for Empire 1754-1763 ; Scratch of a Pen 1763 and the Transformation of North America
HW: Reading: Chapter #6 pages 106-115
Module 3A 1754-1783 |
French and Indian War (1754-763) to The Treaty of Paris (1783)
Class #15
TEST - Time Period #2 (1607 -1754) 55 Stimulus Based Multiple Choice (7 omits)
Class #14
The First Great Awakening ;
Class #13 9/27/2017 |
Traders in the Wilderness (Middle Colonies); Resistance and Rebellion ; The First Great Awakening HW: Tasks #2- Task #4 (Rebellions and Religion in the Colonies) |
Class #12
Blood and Betrayal: New England vs. Native Americans [1621 to 1676] HW: Task #8 Guided Reading on the Middle Colonies |
Class #11
Radicals in the Wilderness (The New England Colonies) HW: Finish document analysis from Puritan DBQ
Class #10 9/21/2017 |
Skill Workshop: Crafting a Thesis; Radicals in the Wilderness
HW: Time Period #2 (Task #4, #5 and #6) Settling the Northern Colonies
Class #9 9/20/2017 |
TEST #1 Takeaways ;English Settlement in the Chesapeake; An Economy of Slaves - Sugar and Slaves—The Caribbean
HW: Time Period #2 (Task #2) The Growth of Slavery in the English Colonies (Google Form Thesis submission)
Class #8 9/19/2017 |
TEST - Time Period #1 (1491-1607) 40 SB Multiple Choice Questions and 1 Short Answer Question - [5 omits] HW: Time Period #2 (Task #1) Guided Reading Chapter #2 questions #1-6 |
Class #7 9/15/2017 |
Overview of Time Period 1 [1491-1607] HW: Optional Omit opportunities for Time Period #1 |
Class #6 9/14/2017 |
English Settlement in the New World HW: Task #6 - European Exploration and Discovery |
Class #5 9/13/2017 |
French and Dutch Exploration and Possession, 1524 to 1608 HW: Chapter #2 guided readings and SAQ (Task #4 and Task #5) |
Class #4 9/11/2017 |
The Spanish Mission System – A Wealth of Souls to Harvest HW: Optional Omit opportunities for Time Period #1 |
Class #3
The Consequences of 1492 ; Devils in the Desert: Spanish Exploration and Conquest HW: Read The Impact of Horse Culture.docx (Notes) and Listen "Different Feelings about Columbus" (Notes) |
Class #2 9/7/2017 |
The Encounter (Process); 1.1 From Pangaea to Paradise and 1.2 European Exploration and Discovery HW: CCOT - Protestent Reformation
Class #1 9/5/2017
Introductions and course expectations ; The Encounter HW: Signed Disclosure Contract and Survey via
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