Blood and Betrayal:


The American Identity


The events below are randomly to help you accurately contextualize a thematic review of Native American history. This theme focuses on the formation of both American national identity and group identities in U.S. history as it connects to how culture and values have been preserved or changed over time.



2.1 Blood and Betrayal: New England vs. Native Americans [1621 to 1676]

Am uneasy coexistence of English settlers and Native Americans dissolved in mutual suspicions, conflicts and retaliations.



3.3 Our Savage Neighbors: Pontiac vs. the Paxton Boys [1763-1766]

Prior to the American Revolution, the Ohio River Valley was a cauldron of competing interests: Indian, colonial, and imperial. erupted out of this volatile atmosphere



6.1 Bloody Footprints - Migration and Settlement of the American West [1860 to 1890]

A march pioneers propelled by a lust for land and a passion for profit pushes settlers to overcome all

obstacles to secure their vision of freedom and opportunity amid the ostensibly limitless frontier.



6.2  Blood and Thunder - The Conquest of  the West [1860 to 1890]

The Plains Indians tragic efforts to combat a dynamically expanding white societies' ruthless greed through betrayals, battles, and massacres leaves  their people and culture demoralized and decimated


6.4 Blood Struggle: Battle for the Rights of Indians and Tribes [1924 to Present]

Against all odds, beginning shortly after World War II, Indian tribes took their hard-earned sovereignty and put it to work for Indian peoples and the perpetuation of Indian culture same breath as the civil rights, environmental, and women’s movements.