20th Century Covert Operations

Covert operations

Covert operations are any sort of mission or operation that is intended to be conducted as to conceal the perpetrators of any such action. In this way covert operations can be distinguished from war declarations or military invasions in that during these the actors makes no attempt in covering up their identities. During the US invasions of Iraq, we wanted everyone to know we were here whereas during the Bay of Pigs invasion, the pilots provided air support to the Cuban exile forces instructed to pretend as mercenaries if ever caught by Cuban forces. Although predated the period one usually associates with covert operations, during the revolutionary war the US employed a network of spies to combat the British. From the Cold War period and beyond United States has most commonly used covert operation in its manipulation of foreign affairs. Espionage, raids, or materiel support are some of the ways the US wields its power. In recent years, the US has executed several eventually high profile covert operations, including
the Iran contra scandal, during which arms were sold to Iran and the profits funneled into Nicaragua.


Analyze the president's authority in regards to covert operation in the 20th century.


Describe and analyze public reaction to the various clandestine foreign military operations from 1945 to the present.




 Analyze the effects of the existence of covert operations of American politics, society, and culture.








Analyze the effectiveness of US clandestine operations in containing communism during the Cold War



ineffective effective



questions about video:
How did Operation Eagle Claw effect Iran's attitude towards itself and the US?
What are some reasons a complex, highly planned mission like Eagle Claw can fail? 



Key Terms to Know:











links and videos


, Che Guevara on the Bay of Pigs invasion Key Terms to Know:


links and videos


, Che Guevara on the Bay of Pigs invasion