
Norman Starr (Born 1951)

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 6 years, 7 months ago







West Point Grad - Class of 1973


“I had graduated from West Point just in time to join the final fighting in the rice paddies of Vietnam. Returning with a chest full of medals, a few earned, most routine, I married Nancy Makin, a girl from Maryland whom I’d been dating whenever I found myself with stateside duty.”


Vietnam Veteran - closing days of Nam


Panama Canal Treaty 1977 and Traitor Jimmy Carter


Assignments in Argentina, Chile, and Guatemala to fight communist subversion (covert Ops)


Military Commissions in Central American Nations


Chile - Civilian undercover in clandestine activities and covert operations 


Worked on the National Security Council 


Fighting communism in Nicaragua (proxy with Contras)







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